hey friends!! as part of creating more of a schedule for my workouts, it really helps me to have a bit of food in my stomach that fuels me as I’m warming up and running. since it’s right before a workout, its really important that it has a good amount of protein and also a bit of natural sugar to make sure my blood sugar doesn’t drop too much (I get really grumpy haha). I found this recipe on YouTube and its been my favorite snack all around recently! hope you guys love these as much as I do : )


start out by wrapping a plate in tin foil. then using your favorite jam, spoon dollops of a teaspoon worth of jelly across the plate. then set it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

while your jelly filling is hardening, continue with the outer peanut butter shell

what you need :

15 pitted dates

1/3 oats

3 tablespoons of peanut butter (occasionally I add more so make it sticker)

2 tsp honey (for a little more sweetness + stickyness)

how to make the shell

its so simple. lol.

put all of your ingredients into a blender. (i have a ninja blender)

i like to put the dates in last to make sure they get blended, and put a table spoon of peanut butter in between it and the oats and at the bottom and top of the blender to make sure everything mixes together well. this pic was before realized that worked better lol

make sure to blend until everything in incorporated together, and around this time your jelly shoulder be hardened!

how to combine the jelly + peanut butter

take a small ball of your peanut butter dough and flatten it out without ripping it. spoon one of your hardened jelly balls in the middle, and shut the peanut butter around it. then put it in the freezer IMMEDIATELY to make sure it doesn’t fall apart. proceed to do the same with the rest of the jelly + peanut butter mixture.

that’s all for today’s post! now its your turn! what is your favorite way to get protein in during the day? do you think you’ll try these?

check out Anna’s video for a visual tutorial on how to make these delicious snacks!


  1. avatar

    these happen to be my favorite pre-workout snack too!

    1. avatar

      ah thats so cool Alannah!! do you follow renee noe on YouTube or instagram by any chance? she’s a runner and I think you’d enjoy her a lot!!

  2. avatar

    Oh yum! I think I’m going to try making a version of these today!

    1. avatar

      yay! let me know how you like them 🙂

  3. avatar

    OOOoooOOoo these look amazing! I will 100% try these!
    What’s your favorite workout to do?

    1. avatar

      i’m weird, I really like running lol, but I also love doing workouts with jump squats squats, weighted lunges, farmer carries, and sit ups! hbu?

  4. avatar

    Hi! I just found your blog and LOVE it! I’ve been looking for a teen blog that is actually active haha. You seem so similar to me… we’re both Christians, are homeschooled, and have cricut makers! I just started posting on my blog but yours looks SO much better than mine XD


    1. avatar

      hi!! thank you that’s so sweet ❤️ and that’s so cool! hahah im going into my third year of blogging, so it will com with time I PROMISE! your doing great where you are right now ❤️

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