THE BIG 1 4 !!!! last year, if you guys remember i shared 130 random things about me…and that was a compete waste of time for me to write 😂 (read it HERE) so this year, i thought i’d share 14 things that i learned during my 14th year of life, about friends, faith, school, family and more : ) hope you guys enjoy this post!

  1. best friends don’t take years to make
  2. prioritize true friends and old friendships
  3. LIVE IN THE MOMENT!! take pictures of everything, talk as much as you can, have fun, and don’t care what others think about you!
  4. everything happens for a reason, whether you see the reason two weeks later or two years later
  5. God will answer your prayers in better ways than you could’ve ever imagined. don’t stop praying, prayer is powerful
  6. constantly be in prayer through good times and bad times
  7. life comes in waves
  8. there is always something to be grateful for
  9. confidence is so powerful
  10. at the end of the day, good character is the most important thing
  11. one bad chapter doesn’t mean the story is over, turn the page. 
  12. everything is beautiful in it’s own time
  13. comparison is the theif of joy – and doesnt make anything better, just worse
  14. God’s got you girl, and he’s constantly working all things together for your good, whether you can see it in the moment or not

i hope you guys enjoyed this post as much as i truly enjoyed being 13. i learned so much, had so much fun, definitely went through some rough spots, but i am so grateful for the people i met, experiences i had and the places i went this year. shoutout to anyone who was involved in my life whether as my best friend or barely at all whatsoever this year, i love you so much and i’m so grateful for you ❤️

signing off for the first time as a 14 year old!

mayim <3


  1. avatar

    love thissss

  2. avatar

    Happy (belated) birthday! Love your message and your unending positivity and faith ❤️

  3. avatar

    happy birthday, mayim! loved this post and your reminders!! < 3

    1. avatar

      thank you alannah!

  4. avatar

    Happy birthday Mayim! That’s so funny haha, I’m planning to do this for my 16th birthday next year! Love this post <3

    1. avatar

      thank you!! cant wait to read it!

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