the holidays are right around the corner, and these few months usually have a emphasis on gratitude, with thanksgiving, being with family, and recieiving gifts. but we often forget that gratitude is important year round too! for a really long time i struggled with that, and in no way am i perfect now but over the past two years ive found myself finding things to be grateful for on the daily, and how much that has improved my additude towards my family, and just in general!
one of the ways that i find things to be grateful for, is actually, through this blog! i share a lot of happy lists on here and thats one of the ways i hold myself accountable to always find the good, even when overall things are hard. sometimes those lists are shorter than others, or have mostly just small things like ice cream and sunny days, but they help me to constantly be looking for things to be grateful for.
another way that i practice daily gratitude is through a really simple habit i’ve created. in my notes app i have a pinned note titled “good thing are always happening to me”. i started doing this a few months ago and now its a basically never ending list of fun memories or thing sthat i’ve done, and basically good things that are always happening to me. i almost always try to start the day but writing down 3+ things that i’m grateful for that are happening that day or happened the day before. that way i just have this daily mindset of gratitude, and also have all these good things to look back on when im in a bad mood, feeling alone or ungrateful to help change my perspective (perspective is everythingggg lol)
a great way to continue this through the holidays and into the new year is setting a reminder on your phone! you can really simply set a reminder when you wake up or before you go to bed to sit down and write down some good things from that day, and maybe even put it in your new year goals!
another thing i wanted to briefly hit on was struggling with being content though the holidays. every one is in a different situation and comparison is so real around the holidays and post holidays. every one has their christmas hauls and a lot of time that takes away our focus from the things we recieved and makes us already ready to get the next new shiny thing. one way i work through this is through prayer, continuing gratitude lists through the holidays especially and just continually affirming all the things i recieved and that i was blessed with. this is really a huge mental and mindset struggle and take some intentional thought and prayer, but it really is something you can get ahead of!
hope you guys got some good insight out of this little post/rant lol and that you had a wonderful thanksgiving! lets start being grateful today and comment two or more things you are grateful for below!
make sure to check out the pod!
mayim <3
Such a good message! Comparison can definitely get really bad and it’s good to see people combat that.
Love this post! It’s easy to stray toward jealousy but you seem to do a great job of staying grateful.
Also, I’m not sure if you got my message but I tagged you for a holiday questions post!
No worries if you’re busy, but I’d love to see what you have to say 🙂
Ahhh I keep forgetting to change my website when I post a comment! My new blog is haha
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