i hate to say it, but summer is coming to an end. theres so much i know im going to miss but also so much i’m going to look forward to in school and soccer and fall. this summer, truly was the best summer.

psa – a lot of rambling lol a lot of this is for myself to look back on, but i wanted to share it with you guys to hopefully encourage you if youre in a postion like i was in at the beginning of this summer <3

i called last summer “the best summer ever” for the longest time and it really has so many great memories and it was a great summer, but i wanted this summer to beat it out and that this summer would be even better. and in april, i thought that wasnt going to happen because of some friend complications. i prayed and prayed about it and God really gave me the best birthday present – in may, everything really came together and fixed itself, and great things were added to my life. from there, things really just got better. i did disappear from the podcast and my blog for a bit these past few weeks because of camp and just so much going on with the soccer season starting, but i am finally ready to be back and recap you guys on the summer and rapid fire post all the summer posts i never finished until now haha. (im not sure what order they will come in, but this post, a happy list, a camp recap post and a few others will be posted this week)

what’s crazy is that i’m officially a high schooler. im a freshman. im on the varsity hs soccer team. like to me thats just so crazy to comprehend. i remember the first day of 6th grade like it was last year. the amount of stuff that’s happened and changed since 6th grade year, phew thats crazy to even try and think about.

i’m starting to tear up a bit writing this to be honest. there have been so many amazing things that have happened this summer and im just to thankful for all of them. God really provided more friends, new opportunities, and such fun summer days.

its crazy to me that i got playing time in my first ever hs varsity soccer game, how much i already feel like a part of the team and how much i’ve improved from summer training. i’ve grown to love my sport even more.

i had this google doc at the beginning of the summer. and i kind of wrote down what i wanted to happen. not really a bucket list but things i wanted to happen in the bigger picture. mentally, spiritually, that kind of thing. and looking back, all that and more happened and i’m so thankful for all of it.

around the end of april, i was texting my best friend olivia. we were talking about how last summer was so much fun and how excited we were for this summer…but then i kind of realized that things with friends we’re so much different…in some good ways but mainly hard ways, and i struggled with the fact that this summer might not be as great as we were planning it out to be in our heads, ignoring the frustrations and hardships of the moment. and when i woke up to those, i was feeling really bummed out that it might not be, as great as last summer. well, recently we revisited that conversation, and realized, this summer was AMAZING. those rough patches at the beginning were fixed, and even more happened and changed for the best. those friendships and that friend group was brought back together, we moved churches which at the beginning, was really hard for me, but it was the best decision and i’ve gotten so much out of it. this really was the best summer ever, and its crazy to me that i doubted it so much just a few months ago.

soccer games, pool days, lunch dates, youth group, swinging on the swings, vbs, soccer camp, ice cream, random days at the soccer fields, summer sunsets, having family in town, the fourth of july, family hikes, camp….there’s so much for me to be grateful for looking back on this summer.

i’m so glad that a few months ago, i was able to listen to olivia and trust God through the hard patches, and now, i’ve came out the other side, and i’m really seeing God’s faithfulness and provision everywhere in my life, and that he really was working through those hard changes and struggles back in march and april. and he was preparing something really really good to come out of it. even though i couldnt see it, and even though it was hard, even though i struggle so much with change, i now see why God changed things, and how he really changed them for the better : )

mayim <3

make sure to check out our NEW podcast episode here 👇🏼


  1. avatar

    I’m so glad you had a good summer! Everything sounds so fun and it’s amazing how you saw God working in your life.

  2. avatar

    I remember you! I used to blog over at my days in Montana! But I had to quit for a bit because I was getting really busy and did not have a lot of time for it anymore but I absolutely love your blog! I am back in the blogosphere as well! What age were you when you started blogging? I was 13 lol and now I’m 17. But hope you have a nice day and once again I love your blog :))


    1. avatar

      hi shanessa!! i remember you too!! i was 12 when i started and im 14 now 🙂 thank you so much!

  3. avatar

    love this mayim!! 🤍

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