ahhh guys summer is here! i don’t know about you, but I am so excited for all that is coming in this new season and the warmth and the sun 🤭 one thing that makes me feel summery and fresh for the new season is having a clean slate in my room, whether its for new clothes, new projects, or just the sake of having a clean room which can help with so much stuff, including being more productive!

clear off your desk

if you’re anything like me, your desk is probably covered is school work, projects, things that’ve been sitting there for months waiting to be hung up on the wall….and I know you don’t want to move them because you’re “currently using them”, but they’re taking up a lot of space, and making your room look cluttered and full. doing simple things like stacking books on one side and moving the wall hangings to a shelf in your closet can make a huge difference in making your room feel open and fresh.

keep wall decor simple

instead of using big prints in all different colors, stick to something more simple, like a cute mirror, coordinated wall collage, or a wall collage with pictures of you & your friends!

wash your sheets + replace flannel sheets

replacing flannel sheets (if you have them) is a great way to prepare for summer in your room, by getting rid of your warm winter sheets, and trading them out for thinner sheets for the warm months.

add some plants

plants naturally filter air, and they add a feeling of naturalness and freshness. they also just look cute lol. depending on your lighting situation, there’s tons of different options, and you can even grow some yourself!

accent with neutral lighter colors, rather than dark bold ones

bold accents are a great way to make a statement, but if you’re looking to make your room feel fresh and clean, they might not be the way to go. even if you have a darker wall color, try accenting with whites, off whites, creams and pastels. adding a neutral rug or furniture will lighten up a room with darker walls.


that means clean out random drawers, get rid of random knick knacks and just clear out the space. get rid of random stuff on your desk. this will really make your room seem a lot fresher and open, and not cluttered

clean the closet

 I know that this is one we might not think of when we’re thinking about freshening up our room for spring, but it’s a super important tip! clean out the closet and make room for some new shopping finds. It’s also important to not only clean out, but also to dust and sweep.

that’s it for todays post! i hope you guys enjoyed this and it motivates you to clear out your room and prep for summer : ) i know i always need some motivation to clean up sometimes, so i hope this did the job for ya! also, you guys, get excited for all the summer content this year!! i’ll be posting way more consistently than last summer lol (iykyk)

mayim <3


  1. avatar

    Love this! I would add plants but I’ve killed all of the ones I’ve ever had…

    1. avatar

      That’s so real XD

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