this world always seems to want to make things better and bigger. whether its houses, cars, or sharing your opinions, it has to be bigger and better than everyone else around us. but life lately for me has seemed almost perfect and its because of the little things, you know, special people, my Stanley, Ben Rector, Thomas Rhett, and Granger Smith music (dont judge me I like country ๐Ÿ˜‚), my dogs, simple days spent by the pool, swinging in the backyard or at church. pictures that pop up that were even just from a week ago that are filled with so many memories, still being on that church camp high ๐Ÿ˜‚

even I can sometimes be guilty of focusing on the big things, whether its wanting a new more expensive pair of shoes or a newer phone, but I feel like I wanted to kind of document thins time but also share it with you guys and hopefully inspire you too ๐Ÿ™‚

having a few little things that you always focus on is so helpful because a bunch of little things come together and make a life that you’re really just enjoying. enjoying and thriving and growing in life is also important. especially as middle and high school girls thriving can be hard in the environments that cliques, lunchrooms, social media, and even church youth groups can be with other girls who are just trying to survive through this time in our lives. a way that I know that I thrive is spending time with my family, talking and sharing almost everything with them, and that way they can help me walk through different hard patches, but also the good times and always reminding me to keep praying and being grateful to God during the good times.

it for sure is a thing when we pray and pray and read our Bibles a lot during the rough seasons and then we kind of not necessarily drift away but stop relying on him as heavily, and in reality, we still need Him just as much, and so during the good times we can focus on growing our relationships with God instead of just maintaining them for when we need them again when things get hard. now lets get back to thriving.

the definition of thriving is to “grow or develop well or vigorously” or to “prosper and flourish”. and as daughters of the true King that’s what we want to do! we want to thrive, most importantly, in Jesus, but also in our relationships with family and friends, in the way we treat others and in our adittude, and just in the way we live life. another way i thrive is to spend time each day in God’s Word, whether its reading a whole book (that’s doesn’t happen often lol) real quick reading the verse of the day and some of the context on The Bible App, or diving into a chapter in one of the Gospels or in Proverbs or Psalms. Sometimes I even dive into a Sadie Rob Huff book or devotional!

one more way I thrive is to really focus on having fun. as a Christian having fun isnt partying and drinking and doing dumb stuff, and those temptations have never really occurred to me yet, but what I mean is taking advantage of your time being a kid. ill go run out and play in the rain or spin around and sing my heart out. ill jump in a ball pit, smash cake in my face, or jump off the diving board with my clothes on ๐Ÿ˜‚ I am so blessed with friends that dont care if I do stuff like that, but even better, some of them will do it with me ๐Ÿ˜‚

now lets get back to the little things…being grateful effects our adittude so much, and I’m gong to share a few of the way I keep up with being grateful for the little things and keep them in the forefront of my mind


each week (if not most days) I like to journal either that day/week or just a long list of things im grateful for. some of those journal entries have made it onto my blog in the form of what I call happy lists! you can read them here.


just randomly praying when things seem awesome (or things are hard too..) is a great thing to do. for some reason showers are when I pray and just give thanks to God. there’s this thing about showers to me, especially after the pool or the beach where you just wash all the salt and chlorine off and just feel like a new person and things just feel amazing. I start off by thanking God kind of just for the moment and then the amazing things that have happened, amazing people, random things, and so on ๐Ÿ˜‚

I hope that this post was inspiring to all of you and that you guys start or continue to recognize how amazing and happy the little things can make us ๐Ÿ™‚



  1. avatar

    thanks for this post, Mayim!! it had some really important reminders in it. < 33 I think I'm going to start doing your "happy list" idea in my journal every week or so too! (: also I love what you said about praying in the shower–that's really sweet!

    1. avatar

      I’m so glad this was helpful to you Alannah! yes its so much fun and its really quite helpful ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. avatar

    I love this topic! Thank you for sharing your heart about this, Mayim, I think I needed the reminder to just have fun and do crazy things sometimes! XD

  3. avatar

    This is a great post!

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