ahhhhh guysssss immm 13!!!! wow. i’m tHiRtEeN 😱 (oh, and sorry for deceiving you if you thought i was older/younger) but today if my 13th birthday, and i am doing a special 130 random things about me post. this is the time and place to get to know my like my close friends do!!

*originally posted on may 8th, my actual bday lol*

here’s some fun pics from before church yesterday!

first, answers to some questions from my neighbor maddox. she’s so sweet to do this with me!

if i was to wear one brand of clothes forever what brand would i wear?


favorite type of shoes


would you rather go public school or stay homeschooled?


fav beach


if you had to live in one state for the rest of your life where would it be


how many kids do you want


favorite meal of the day


least favorite time of the day


big house or small house


fav pinterest acc

sadie rob huff

do i think i’ll continue blogging


share room with shiloh or share


broke arm or leg


and now onto 117 more things about me!

don’t feel pressured to read this whole thing 😉

14. i like cold bagels with cream cheese

15. i love daisies 

16. i had/have a countdown on my phone till my bday as i’m writing this…23 days left!

17. i’ve never tried oysters and never plan on it 

18. beach or mountains? BEACH ALL THE WAYYYY

19. i love top gun maverick

20. top gun maverick has a lot of cussing in it 😆

21. i’ve only seen the second top gun (maverick) and the first 15 ish minuets of the first 

22. i hate room temp/lukewarm water

23. which is really rough as a singer who can’t drink cold or hot water before singing 😂

24. one time i drank a soda before i sang and nothing happened…can’t say the same for other friends tho 🤪

25. i loveeeee 3 musketeers and milky way and reese’s…oh and skits (skittles) 

26. i have 9 cousins 

27. i’ve only been to florida 3 or 4 times but it feels like way more 

28. i went on a royal caribbean cruise a year before the pandemic and it was soooo funnn

29. i have been out of the continental US 6 times/places

30. i’ve been to 15 states

31. whenever we are halfway there on a road trip we turn on “livin on a prayer”

32. whenever we drive into alabama, i sing sweet home alabama a cappella, alone, at the top of my lungs, in my worst singing voice possible. 

33. one of the main things i do on a road trip is stare out the window pointlessly. i usually do it for hours at a time. 

34. i’ve played soccer since i was like 5

35. there’s these delicious rolls my dad makes with a pickles in the middle, covered in cream cheese, and wrapped in ham.

36. i reallyyyyyyy like cream cheese

37. cream cheese and strawberry jelly on a pieces of toast tastes like cheesecake

38. i’ve ran 6 5ks

39. I really want to run a marathon by the time im 25

40. two years ago i had a soccer game on my bday and we won and it was so fun! 

41. we have 89 of these to go

42. yes i just used my calculator app to do that

43. i have an iphone X

44. i’d prefer to write on my laptop over my phone any day

45. i have no clue what kind of laptop i have but i share it with my siblings and we got it for christmas 

46. i also got my phone for christmas 

47. go on disney plus and watch blank check no matter how childish it looks it’s hilarious 

48. i love putting my hair in a bun and i’m french braids 

49. i love baking but they don’t always turn out great looking 

50. i don’t have a favorite song i like so many 😂

51. i have two more days or tutorial/two weeks of school left!! as of april 15

52. i’m gonna wear shorts on the last day even though it’s tEcHnIcAlLy against dress code 🤭

54. i only have 2 friends who have bdays in may and they’re both guys 🤦🏻‍♀️

55. you didn’t realize till now i skipped 53

53. and we’re back to 53

56. i got that idea from pinterest 😏

57. my favorite emojis: 🌊❤️😂🌸🍑⚡️🥸🫠🐽🦖🪴🍄🥑🍍🌮🧋 *me realizing how many emojis there are and how some of the emojis are so woke and inappropriate* 😂😡

58. i reallyyyy want to go to europe

59. my most recent used emojis: 😂❤️🌊🫶🏻😱😏🤭🤦🏻‍♀️🥸😬😆 (before my fav emojis) 

60. please don’t kill me but i ship draco and hermione. if you think about it for hours on end while you’re staring pointlessly out the window you will too. you have to think about literally every moment between them. and look at a million dramione memes. 

61. i love skippy peanut butter 

62. i don’t like normal chez it’s i only cheez it snapd’s

63. we currently have 5 pine cones on our mantle

64. i like strawberries

65. 🎶 oh we’re half way there oh livin on prayer🎶

66. or you could say 🎶oh we’re halfway there oh squidward on a chair🎶

67. just like instead of 🎶who lives in a pineapple under the sea🎶you can do 🎶who lives in a cupboard under the stairs? ha-rry po-tter 🎶

68. I love Harry Potter! 

69. recently i’ve been non stop listening to NF’s album HOPE.

70. my favorite songs from that album is HAPPY and MOTTO

71. I was born at 4:46pm

72. the sol de janireo 40 scent is amazing!

73. when I was born I had blue eyes but now my eyes are brown

74. my hair is 3 different colors natrually

75. I took a skittles wrapper and put it in my clear phone case and now I have a skittles phone case 🙂

76. I love ice cream, but I mean who doesn’t? Moose tracks is probably my favorite flavor.

77. 5 days until my bday! 

78. I want to go to Hawaii again 🙂

79. I want to go to Colorado and California

80. International travel wise, I want to go to Italy, France, UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Israel, Brazil, Honduras, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Austria. 

81. if I go to college, I want to major in interior design.

82. I really want to be an interior designer

83. I actually have a job even though I’m not 14, because I am a virtual assistant! It is a super fun job where people can hire you t do online jobs for them and you get paid per hour!

84. me and my aunt have this super fun thing we do for my bday where we go to the mall and hang out and shop 🙂

85. this year we went a few days before my birthday and it was really fun

86. we went to haggen Dazs and it was so yummy!

87. I love to build houses with legos

88. I love the summer because then I build beach houses and that’s my favorite house to build with legos

89. mainly because its. easier than houses that I need specific special pieces for

90. I love swinging in my hammock in the morning when the dew is still on the ground and it smells so fresh outside 🙂

91. 39 more to go!

92. this is getting hard

93. ummm ok I used to hate swimming and wouldn’t swim in the deep end but now I love swimming and love touching the bottom of the deep end 😂

94. once i almost drowned

95. I used to live in Illinois near Chicago

96. A few times a year we would go downtown for a day and I loved seeing the bean, which is a big silver mirror shaped like a bean 🙂

97. my favorite places to shop are old navy, target, and tj max 🙂

98. I have a little brother and a little sister

99. I am the oldest child in my intermediate family and the oldest cousin on my moms side and my dads side

100. sometimes I wish I had an older cousin but I get to be that cool older cousin 😎

101. sometimes I wish I had a older brother too

102. I think I started to first want an older brother when I was like 5 and used to play wedding and I wished I had a guy that want my 3 yr old brother and wasn’t my little sister 😂

103. now I want an olde brother for more normal reasons lol

104. I love drawing and reading

105. kasie west has some great clean YA romance novels…make sure to check for her at your library!

106. when I was in 4th grade that when quarantine for corona started and my school had iPads and we got to take our iPads home with us during quarantine and I watched KC undercover even tho I warn supposed to and I got I trouble

107. now im allowed to watch it and I think its hilarious 😂

108. you probably know this but I have 2 dogs

109. one is named after Johnny cash and one is named after Thomas rhett

110. Cash is almost 1 and Rhett is 4

111. make a wish for #111

112. im never gonna tell u what my wish was XD

113. I am a shoebie and I love shoes

114. I have Vans, Converse, white low tops and I want nike blazers

115. I;m running out of ideas about me 😬

116. I used to play the piano but now I’m learning gutiar

117. I want to get WordPress.org this year and move my blog there-so make sure you are subscribed via email and not just through you WordPress account so you can move with me and stay updated!

118. I am having a pool party!

119. But since its still a little chilly, I’m having it at the end of May, which I’m really excited about!

120. I’m also really excited to wear my Addie swimsuit from Rad Swim, which my parents are getting me for my birthday!

121. I’ve asked for a few things room decor wise, so if I get those, I’d love to do a room tour sometime this summer! Comment if that’s something you’d like to see! 

122. I got this super cute dress from amazon that I wore on Sunday, the day before my bday

123. I love chick fa la lemonade :)))))

124. I love the Hunger Games books

125. I haven’t seen the movies but I really want to see them

126. ummmmmmmmmmm I was 8 when I went in a waterslide for the first time

127. ahhh almost done!

128. I dont play video games

129. I loveeeee Sadie Robertson Huff

130. As of the moment I am writing this I will be 13 in 27 hours and 50 minutes 🙂

whew that took a lot more energy and thinking than I expected 😂 maybe I won’t do 140 things next year 😉 I am so excited for all the fun stuff happening this month and I can’t wait to share it all with you guys later on and in emails which I’m thinking about formatting more like text message threads to share more of life with you guys! In case you’re wondering, I am planning on doing a birthday haul, ultimate teen girl gift guide/birthday wishlist, monthly recap and then a room tour *hopefully* at the beginning of June! 

there’s also this thing I’ve seen on Pinterest where you do a post “inviting” people to your birthday party and then they email you or do a take with what they’re wearing, bringing as a gift, etc. would you guys enjoy that? 

mentioning Pinterest…recently, Pinterest came out with a recent update that makes anyone who put in a birthdate under the age of 18’s account to be private…which includes me, unfortunately. In the big picture, this is a good thing, but frustrating for me who was excited and starting on building another platform for BV on there. I also was excited to do more story type posts where I dont have a media limit, and can share more frequently. Me and my parents are working on and talking about what we are planning on doing with this, but I wanted to let you guys know 😉

summing up all the questions I asked in this post…would you like to see a room tour? does a party like this ⬆️ look like fun? 

can’t wait to talk with you guys again! 



  1. avatar

    i love reading your happy lists and since i read the first one, i made one in my bullet journal and it’s one of my new favorite things to do (:

  2. avatar

    Happy late, late 13th birthday!

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