GUYSSSSS OH MY GOSH I MISSED THESE SO MUCH!!!! and heres some pics to recap the summer : ) *i promise i took more pics this summer lol some of them wouldnt upload ðŸ˜ðŸ˜‚

inspiration for the not average girl
inspiration for the not average girl
GUYSSSSS OH MY GOSH I MISSED THESE SO MUCH!!!! and heres some pics to recap the summer : ) *i promise i took more pics this summer lol some of them wouldnt upload ðŸ˜ðŸ˜‚
i hate to say it, but summer is coming to an end. theres so much i know im going to miss but also so much i’m going to look forward to in school and soccer and fall. this summer, truly was the best summer. psa – a lot of rambling lol a lot of this …
this summer i had a unspoken goal to be on my phone less and start doing more likes crafts/creative things to pass the time i’m not busy. and to say the least i am not the most creative person lol. a few weeks ago i was watching a summer prep with me video on youtube …
i am literally so excited for this post – probably almost as excited as i am to go to camp again this summer!!! yes i am one of those people who loves camp. sorry not sorry. last year was so much fun, i made so many memories and grew closer to God, and i am …
ahhh guys summer is here! i don’t know about you, but I am so excited for all that is coming in this new season and the warmth and the sun 🤠one thing that makes me feel summery and fresh for the new season is having a clean slate in my room, whether its for …
hey friends!! life has been crazy, but wanted to share some bits and pieces from our family beach vacation a few weeks ago : ) i had so much fun with my family!! funny story, actually 😂 3 hours out from arrival at the airbnb we had booked (which we were very excited about, since …
hey friends!! summer is here in tennessee, i’m out of school and hitting the pool! (did you guys like my rhyme? im not actually in the pool yet haha) but here’s a few of my summer essentials from the past few summers that i think you guys will love sunbum suncreen is the best sunscreen, …