i am literally so excited for this post – probably almost as excited as i am to go to camp again this summer!!! yes i am one of those people who loves camp. sorry not sorry. last year was so much fun, i made so many memories and grew closer to God, and i am so excited for camp this year. last year, going to camp for the first time i was so intimidated (for literally no reason) and i was worried id forget something, get lost, be alone and it never happened lol so you have no reason to be worried, and today i will be sharing with you everything i know about camp to help you out!!

packing list


  • sunscreen (DONT FORGET THIS)
  • toothbrush + toothpaste
  • shampoo, conditioner and body wash
  • deodorant
  • chap stick (if your lips get burnt this is a must have)
  • PLENTY of hair ties and claw clips
  • face wash and moisturizer (make sure to wash your face at least every night since you’ll be getting sweaty, and if you get burnt you can use moisturizer for that too)
  • bug spray
  • benadryl lotion (so good for bug bites)
  • dry shampoo (not your mother’s dry shampoo is the best!)
  • crimper + curl products (my camp has worship every night that we’re supposed to get a little dressed up for but otherwise i wouldnt bring hair stuff)

clothes *this is just the basics, obviously each camp is different so make sure you know specifically what you need for YOUR camp. also, if you are a first time camp goer, you are going to change clothes like three times a day. so this list might seem excessive, but its not lol*

  • 2 t shirts per day (one for each day that you dont mind if it gets gross and sweaty)
  • at least one pair of shorts per day – athletic shorts are the best in my opinion because even if they get wet they dont feel as gross as wet jean shorts
  • 2 workout/junk tank tops for really hot days
  • 2 nicer tanks
  • swimsuit!! (some camps might require one pieces)
  • 2 (or more, depending on the camp) nice options (jean shorts and a shirt, sundress, etc.) for worship, dinner, fun nights, etc.
  • plenty of underwear and socks – everything is going to get so sweaty
  • 1 hoodie – mornings + inside are typically cooler and also great for after swimming
  • oversized t shirts and shorts for pjs

shoes (just the basics – depending on the camp you might need other shoes depending on your camp or activities)

  • a good sturdy pair of running shoes/close toed, close heeled shoes that you can run in
  • sandals for nicer outfits or the pool/lake/waterpark (tevas or chacos are some that i recommend! you could bring birks for a nicer option)
  • flip flops for shower shoes – camp showers are gross guys, trust me on this one

miscellaneous stuff that doesnt fit into a category lol

  • flashlight
  • a watch (waterproof would be good) especially if its a no phones camp
  • Bible
  • notebook and highlighters/pens
  • disposable or polaroid camera – these are SO fun to have!!
  • phone charger for your room
  • portable phone charger (make sure its charging when your phone isn’t)
  • waterbottle (the flip straw stanley or an owala is great for this bc they have a handle)
  • money for food, camp store and missions
  • towel for the pool/lake (make sure to set it out to dry when you get back to your cabin/dorm so its dry for the next day!)
  • pillow, sheets and blankets for your bed (some camps already have this but id highly suggest bringing your own)
  • towel and face towel for showering and washing your face (yet again, id highly suggest bringing your own)

tips 🙂

  • go with the flow. regardless of what happens, you are gonna have a great time and in the end, you’re really only going to remember the good stuff! if you’re frustrated about something not going the way you planned it out, i know how frustrating that can be because i do it too, but it’s going to be ok and so much fun if you just have a positive attitude 
  • when packing up, check under your bed, dresser, everywhere to make sure you didnt forget anything. last year we found airpods under the couch 💀😂
  • GO TO BED AT CURFEW. getting in trouble isn’t worth it and you need as much sleep as possible.
  • shower at night, not in the morning. you’ll have more time for it at night, the hot water will help you fall asleep, and that way you aren’t getting in bed dirty and sweaty every night (you will be VERY dirty and sweaty)
  • if there’s any veggies/fruit options at breakfast/lunch/dinner EAT THEM. i felt like crap the last few days of camp last year cause all i ate was carbs and sugar and a little bit of protein. So prioritize protein and veggies/fruit
  • don’t waste your money at the camp store – buy a shirt and a bracelet or smthn and then save your money for cfa and food and stuff
  • hang out with your close friends as much as you can – theyre probably so awesome and yall are close, but dont be afraid to make new friends if you get divided in tracks or rec. some of my FAVORITE memories from camp last year were with new friends that i made, so dont be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. 
  • try to stay out of drama. creating it or getting sucked into it. it’s really not worth it lol

that’s it for today’s post!! make sure to check out my pinterest board for camp outfit inspo and drop a comment and share if your going to a camp this summer and if your excited! can’t wait to chat with you guys : )

mayim <3

check out my pinterest for outfit inspo 👇🏼👇🏼


  1. avatar
    Lilly says:

    I wish I had this list two weeks ago! 😅 I went to camp last week and had no clue what to bring except lots of athletic skirts and casual clothes (and some of the “duh” items).

    1. avatar

      aw sorry about that! at least you’ll have it for next year! my camp is a lot later in the summer than most camps so i didnt think to write this post until a few weeks after most people had already gone to camp.

  2. avatar

    Fun! I’m not really a camp person but I am obsessed with making packing lists for every trip so this was so fun to read!

    1. avatar

      so glad you enjoyed reading this regan! thanks for commenting!

  3. avatar

    I’m going to camp next week! I’m soooo excited!!!

    Last year when I went to camp, I forgot to bring sunsreen. 🤦‍♀️ I got burnt on the second day and my face looked like a tomato for the rest of the week lol. I’m DEFINITELY bringing sunscreen this year.

    1. avatar

      im going to camp next week too! i dont burn super easily but i burned really bad on the last day 😭 it was not fun lol

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