hey there! I’m mayim, a 14 year old blogger from nashville. this blog is for all things christian inspiration, healthy + workout lifestyle tips, blogging, and more!

•first off, I love Jesus and believe he has given us all talents, dreams and purposes for a reason…to glorify him. I also believe that he has promised not to forsake us and is coming back for us one day. (romans 8:38-39)
•i’m a homeschooler—I’ve been homeschooled since 2020 and me and my siblings go to a tutorial, which is like school once a week, and we get work to do for the remainder of the week.
•We moved to the Nashville Proper area of Tennessee in June of 2020 from near Chicago, IL, and I love it here!
•I’m pretty creative…right now I’m into interior design, photography, Cricut making, music and theatre, and love making my design ideas come to life in my room!
• I love photography…and also editing photos, taking pics of myself and the people…I am the go to person for random pics of our friend group 😂😂
•I play soccer for a homeschool girls team in my area and I love it! this fall will be my 7th season playing 🙂 I also love running, and working out in our awesome garage gym 🙂
•I play guitar and I sing on the youth group worship team at our church!