recently, I have been feeling so happy and blessed…and yes, it is my birthday, but also seeing the beauty of Gods creation as spring turns into summer is amazing. I saw these on hadassah’s blog and thought it was such a great idea to sort of journal but also share what you’re grateful for! 

  • sunny mornings with that spring smell in the air
  • birthday danish
  • four square while the sun sets in the parking lot
  • white spring dresses
  • flowers eveyrwhere
  • waves in the ocean
  • the literal perfect weather
  • shorts and a t shirt all day every day
  • soccer drills for hours at a time
  • when the verse on the day is literally the sign you’ve been waiting for from God
  • watching everyone in church praising the Lord
  • singing on stage
  • people singing happy birthday
  • fresh air in a clean room
  • hugs
  • the anticipation of birthday surprises
  • when you get exactly what you asked for
  • when God answers your prayer the way you were hoping he would
  • when everything worked out to reschedule my birthday party and almost everyone can come
  • jumping in a cold pool
  • the smell of a brand new house
  • sitting in church with your “gang” 
  • people telling you how pretty you look in a dress
  • clear skin 🙂
  • being insanely tired after a good swim 
  • youth group
  • excitedly anticipating youth camp for the first time
  • chick fa la
  • being officially a teenager

❤️ mayim